特定商取引法に基づく表記 (Commercial Disclosure)

In compliance with the Revised Specified Commercial Transactions Act, the following information is provided for our customers in Japan.

販売業者の名称 (Legal Name)

MEOW ARTS株式会社 (Meow Arts KK)

運営統括責任者 (Head of Operations)

Jordy Meow

所在地 (Address)

〒150-0034 東京都渋谷区代官山町8-7 Daiwa Daikanyama 1F-6F
Daiwa Daikanyama 1F-6F
8-7 Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-0034

連絡先 (Contact Information)

電話番号 (Telephone): 0120-974-670 (日本語対応可能 / Japanese support available)
メールアドレス (Email): [email protected]
お問い合わせフォーム (Contact Form): https://contact.meow.fr/

受付時間: 10:00-18:00(土日祝を除く)
Business Hours: 10:00-18:00 JST (except weekends and holidays)

追加手数料等 (Additional Fees)

There are no additional fees beyond the cost of the purchased credits. Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) is included for customers residing in Japan.

返品・交換・返金に関するポリシー (Exchanges & Returns Policy)

<お客様都合の場合 (Customer-Initiated Refund)>

<不具合・エラーがある場合 (System Errors / Defects)>

<ポリシー概要 (Policy Summary)>
- If no credits have been consumed and the purchase was made in error, a refund can be issued upon request.
- If there is a system crash, error, or defect preventing normal usage of credits, we will offer a refund or restore the credits at no additional charge.

引渡時期 (Delivery Times)

Credits are added to your account immediately after payment is processed.

受け付け可能な決済手段 (Accepted Payment Methods)

We accept credit cards.

決済期間 (Payment Period)

Payments are processed immediately upon purchase.

販売価格 (Price)

Check the Pricing page for current prices, inclusive of JCT for customers in Japan.

アクセスについて (Accessibility)

This page can be easily accessed from our homepage and checkout pages.

Pricing - Contact - Commercial Disclosure

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